In 2008, Stephen Wills joined the New England Library Network, NELINET, at the launch of their open source software effort. In that capacity he brought the Maine Balsam Library Consortium (MBLC) online using the Evergreen-ILS (library) catalog software. MBLC supports a collection of libraries in rural towns that could, otherwise, not afford the development of the library catalog interface for children, migrating libraries catalogs from expensive vendor products to the free Evergreen, fix errors as they arose and provide regular software upgrades.

In 2009, NELINET merged into LYRASIS and their technical services were moved from Massachusetts to Georgia and Steve went back to the private sector providing software development and training services for fortune 500 IT leaders.

Steve continued to support Evergreen-ILS, acting as a maintainer and developer. He served on the Board of Governance from 2011 – 2014.

In 2018, Steve started Intergalactic STEAM to concentrate on his work providing technical support and product development in the public sector. Intergalactic STEAM continues to support libraries and academics by concentrating on free and open source cataloging, archival and discovery software, as a means to strengthen and expand access to the resources of libraries, museums, and schools.